Zuzana Mauréry

Zuzana Mauréry - interview sample

How did it make you feel when the movie Teacher had not competed for Oscars.

I was sorry for that. Movies like this are not produced every day. And when they are, usually we are not able to be proud for what we created. We wake up when someone in abroad is.

Is a movie award for film or acting something actor really appreciates? Or you are aware the award wasn`t real acknowledgement of your qualities given you know who was in charge of jury?

Altogether. I like being awarded. But I know it is a compromise in a way. Also it is a paradox because when you are awarded in a famous festival, it means you don`t get another job for two years. Everyone thinks we are going to Hollywood or something but truth is we sit at home. Then you take day TV series.

Are you serious that thanks to an award actor has no job?

I talked to several of my Czech colleagues and they confirmed. Its been two and half years after Teacher and I am starting to receive job offers just now. In this sense the award means nothing. It makes you a bit more visible but this is not Hollywood where producers fight for you after Oscar nomination. I think directors cast you not because you have awards but because you are suitable for their intention. No reward can influence that. Maybe producer can see some commercial effect but director thinks differently. Actor can receive several types of award. If you take a closer look at who received award along with you, you realize decisions of jury are very subjective. I am member of some juries and I know what its like. Sometimes you are not in mood to vote or you dont have time so you vote for someone „you know“. Then it is also about tactics. If there is no award for cinematography, you vote for director at least because the movie is good and so on. In Karlove Vary festival jury consisted of five people which means five people liked me. Or maybe it was only three votes in my favour. Czech lion was awarded to Polish actress who was dubbed by two other Czech actresses. So her acting performance half of which is based on language performance consisted of three women. But just one Polish actress was awarded. When you start thinking about it like this, you find out its just a nice folklore. Because your speach performance is super important. Then you think more and find out it doesnt matter whether you have award or not. Its not important. Important thing is whether you get opportunity to work with good people on good project based on an award. Nothing else matters.

However, being acknowledged is nice.

It is indeed. And it`s important to be able to accept it. You should appreciate your own work and be able to say „Yes, I was good, thank you for the award.“ But being awarded is based on so many things and you are never good just because of you. Without good screenplay I would have nothing to perform. Without good cinematographer I would have no one to capture my performance. Without good director my acting would not be balanced.